Are you a:

Passionate 🔥

High-achieving 🙌

Impact-driven woman ❤️

Whose expectations for life ​sometimes get in the way of ​actually enjoying it?

You are the kind of woman who can do anything. Really.

✅ You got the job, promotion, business you worked so hard for

✅ You have the relationship, family, home you once dreamed of

✅ You know you can do anything you want - in theory 😁

Achieving isn’t the problem. It’s what you were praised for doing most of ​your life - so yeah, you got really good at it!

But when you step back, you realize you still feel overwhelmed with your ​responsibilities, underwhelmed by your accomplishments, and never quite ​as good as you think you “should” feel

(I know because I’ve been there! 💔)

You see,

  • All the check marks in the world ✔
  • color-coded post-its 🗓
  • and afternoon walks🚶🏻‍♀️

Won’t fix your habit of going and doing ​while still feeling flat 😐 with occasional ​dopamine hits because your dentist said ​“Great job flossing!” (true story 😅 )

But, just a few minor tweaks in your ​perception with a little bit of skillful nuance ​will help you truly embody the walking-​talking success story that is your life 🤩

Alice Rizzi, PsyD

And that’s why I’m here. To give you the ​tools and confidence only someone who’s ​studied human behavior for half her life ​while being a high-achieving, impact-driven ​go-getter herself can 🤓

Imagine how EPIC life could be if you stopped:

🛑 Second-guessing every decision

🛑 Judging yourself for every mistake

🛑 Sabotaging opportunities for success, joy, and peace

And started:

Leading yourself like the sovereign 🔥 limitless 🤩

and abundant 💁‍♀️ woman you were always meant to be...

In just 8 weeks! 🤯

Golden Rectangle Frame

Introducing... 🥁🥁🥁

Thriving Through ​Imperfection

Practical skills for mental clarity, ​emotional wisdom, and aligned action

You’re Driven

You’re Motivated


So why isn’t that enough? 🧐

Perhaps you are content most of the ​time... But that 5%... Something just ​doesn’t feel quite right 😣

If only you could tweak that ​5% everything would be ​great... Right?

Let me ask you:

  • Do you have multiple to-do lists that anyone else would feel ​overwhelmed by?
  • Do you set yourself a reminder and a back-up reminder and ​sometimes another alarm for the really important things? 👀
  • Do you keep thinking about a 'what if' situation long before it's ​actually a problem and often long after it stopped being one? 😳
  • Do you get trapped in cycles of "all or nothing" where either you ​go all in and often burn out 😰 or don't bother at all because ​what's the point if you can't do it 💯?

Then you, my friend, might be a perfectionist. It's okay, I am too. Well, I call ​myself a "recovering perfectionist" because now that I’m aware of my own ​patterns, I’m able to change them when I feel stuck or not where I want to be.

The thing is, we've all been hard-wired from birth, caregivers, schools, jobs, and ​cultural systems to do and think a certain way that maybe used to work for us, ​only now, we keep using them and we end up feeling... 😑 or 😫 or 🤬.

You know what I mean?

Something I noticed in the last 12+ years of being a therapist is that so many of us fall into ​believing the same brain junk. We all get stuck on the same feelings. We all struggle saying ​certain things. And we all try to avoid discomfort as much as possible.

🛑 It doesn't mean you're crazy!

🛑 It doesn't mean you're doomed!

🛑 And it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, your brain, or your life.

What it does mean is that YOU WERE NEVER TAUGHT essential life skills that can help you ​deal with that brain junk, uncomfortable emotions, and sticky problems.

If I learned anything from working with high achievers is that many of them come from well-​meaning, caring families (and sometimes not-so-caring ones). However, they are families that ​prioritized learning, analyzing, and achieving as forms of worth and success in life, and ​unfortunately, did not realize the importance of self-reflection, emotional expression, and self-​leadership (which is NOT the same as independence btw, because I know you’re Ms. I-CAN-​DO-IT).

You learned that "trying" is not good enough and that only perpetual doing and "hard work" are ​valued. You may feel bad about making mistakes, criticize and blame yourself, even if other ​factors contributed to a negative outcome, and often, are afraid to try something new because ​you might fail or won't be good at it.

So why should you even bother?

Guess What...

Most people aren't ​good at something ​the first time they ​try it!

The reality is, problems like burnout, chronic fatigue, time management, worrying, and self-​criticism make it harder for most people to reach their goals 😰

When your energy is constantly depleted, it's difficult to find the motivation and focus you ​need to go after what you want - if you even let yourself think about what that actually is ​(instead of chasing what you’ve been told you “should” want) 😒

➡️ So what can you actually do? ⬅️

Well, what I've done and what I've walked hundreds of clients through is a process in which ​you learn fundamental skills that allow you to enhance your success and go for the things ​you really want without feeling like crap about yourself or exhausting yourself on busy work🔋

One of the most valuable concepts I learned in grad school is that you don’t know what you ​don’t know.

I want to show you a set of simple skills and concepts that once you learn feel like second ​nature. They are intuitive, effective, and NOT to be underestimated.

You have All The POWER You Need

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed and energized, actually giddy to ​get started on your next project 🤩 You feel ready to tackle your to-do list with a deep ​sense of gratitude, inner peace, and confidence, no longer plagued by threats from ​your brain that you can't hack it, don’t know what you’re doing, or that someone else ​can do it better.

Mental Health Blooming Brain

You have mental clarity ​with what you want to do ​and why, you trust that ​you can do exactly what ​you need, and you know ​you can deal with ​whatever pops up along ​the way.

Flat Cut Out Faith and Hope Sticker

You're not bothered ​by fears and doubts ​because you have ​faith that you are ​skilled and can get ​through anything 💪

Self Hug Icon

You have genuine

self-mastery 🔥

self-leadership 👸

and self-acceptance ❤️

Whimsical Seek, Discover, Thrive Badge

It is nothing short of ​thriving in a ​beautiful, messy, ​imperfect life. While ​actually enjoying ​living it 😍

Join Me in Creating & ​Living A Life You Love

This transformative 8-week experience will expand your mental and emotional ​capacity so that you can actually hold what you create and enjoy more of what ​you love without burning out. Immerse yourself in a supportive and inspiring ​community and learn research-backed strategies that promote mind and body ​wellness while nourishing your distinct quirky soul 🤗

Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

You’ve successfully learned to hustle... Now wait until you ​experience ease! 🤩

What's included?

  • 6 Audio modules with bite-sized recordings for easy listening
  • Companion summary guides & reflection prompts
  • Community chat so you're never alone, can share struggles and wins, feel inspired, ​accountable, and supported 24/7
  • Personalized coaching from a mindfulness teacher, therapist, and business owner
  • Optional video office hours for Q&A and hot seat coaching

Time Commitment

8 Weeks live group coaching. I recommend budgeting about an hour a week for the ​audio trainings and additional time as you see fit to implement the exercises and check-​in with the group.


You will have lifetime access to the trainings. The group chat will be closed after 8 ​weeks.


The full cost of the program is $997. This is a Stellar price given how much time, energy, and expertise I've poured into it, the number of trainings you get (lifetime access!), optional weekly live calls, and

2 full months of built-in support and community! You literally have a coach in your pocket 😍

I want you to experience phenomenal, literally brain-shifting results in just 8 weeks and I want you to feel SO supported through it all ❤️

I know I'll be bringing everything I have into it...

The question is, are YOU ready? 🔥

The Plan

Start Date: April 22, 2024

Audio recordings will be released every Monday.

Week 1

What's Your Problem?

  • Feel confident and trust your ability to handle any ​problem (instead of feeling frazzled, confused, ​and doubting your choices)
  • Eliminate decision fatigue and plug your energy ​leaks by using a tried&tested process ♺

Week 2

Spilling The TEA

  • Understand the 12 most common patterns of self-​sabotage so you can get un-stuck and take action ​without limiting beliefs and outdated stories holding ​you back 😌
  • Finally get a grip on your overthinking, worrying brain

Week 3

Don't Tell Me To Calm Down!

  • Learn the game-changing strategy that transforms ​your relationships and lets you go DEEP with ​yourself and others
  • Connect to anyone in a meaningful way and ​understand what it means to feel 💞

Week 5

Look Where You're Going

  • Take the reigns of your life and get back in control
  • Get the skills you never knew you needed and now ​can’t live without 😁
  • Experience true freedom, acceptance, and ​compassion

Week 4


& Implement

  • Reflect, review, and catch-up on the past 3 weeks
  • Get all your sticky questions answered, take imperfect ​action, and let’s get you unstuck, unsabotaged, and ​going after what you really want! 🤩

Week 6

I'm Too Busy

  • Get crystal clear on what you really want in life 🔮
  • Override failed routines and habits, and cultivate ​accountability & self-respect
  • Have an unshakeable belief that you can lead yourself ​through anything 🔥

Week 7

Who Do You Think You Are?

Week 8


& Implement

  • Get the strategy, energy, and confidence to say ​what you need to who you want
  • Create the boundaries that liberate and empower ​you to be the person you were always meant to be
  • Love yourself, have compassion for others, create ​the impact that lights you up ⚡️
  • Reflect, review, and catch-up on the past 8 weeks
  • Show up in the community and final call to celebrate ​inevitable progress 🙌 🎊
  • Create goals and intentions for what's next
  • Recognize and appreciate yourself for being the kind, ​powerful, and lovable human that you are ❤️

End Date: June 14, 2024

You will have lifetime access to the recordings so you can listen to the modules as ​many times as you like. The group coaching space will only be open for the ​duration of the 8-week program. The video calls will be recorded so you can watch ​them when you like if you can't attend live.


Mission, Vision, and Values

I value mindfulness, service, and impact. I want to see a world that is ​more loving, peaceful, and kind. I believe that starts through caring and ​thoughtful humans like you who work on themselves and can't help but ​rub off on others.

This program is based on some of my most utilized skills from my private ​practice. I want to make them widely accessible so they can benefit even ​more people. You shouldn't have to get a doctorate in psychology to ​learn this stuff! Nor should you have to be in years of therapy or ​coaching where you may or may not learn these skills depending on who ​you work with 🤷‍♀️

This program will enable you to lead yourself with grace and ​compassion, while making choices rooted in who you are and the kind of ​life you want to have. It will teach you about the freedom you have in ​every moment to make intentional, effective decisions. You deserve to ​thrive while living a fulfilling, beautifully imperfect life ❤️

Doors Close April 5


Complete 8-week group ​program

  • 6 Core modules with bite-sized ​audio recordings
  • Community chat available 24/7 so ​you're never alone, can share ​struggles and wins, be inspired, and ​stay accountable
  • Live coaching so you can practice in ​a safe space and witness and grow ​with your peers
  • Optional weekly video Q&A and ​implementation


Full program


VIP Coaching

  • Everything in the 8-week program


Personalized 1:1 Coaching

  • Two 60-Minute Video sessions to use ​whenever you like throughout the ​program
  • Personalized chat space away from the ​group focused just on YOU
  • 8 Weeks of daily chat to ask questions ​and get personalized feedback


Alice Rizzi, PsyD

Who Am I?

I'm a therapist in NYC with a thriving private practice ​focused on supporting ambitious high achievers. Amidst the ​pandemic I discovered a passion for online courses - I love ​taking them and I adore creating them!

I believe mindfulness is the superpower that helps you ​create and live a life you truly love - full of joy, purpose, and ​meaning.

I believe people who love their life cultivate peace, kindness, ​and understanding in their communities, from which we can ​all benefit as a society.

I care deeply about making a positive impact in the world ​that starts from within and spreads through genuine ​connections. I want you to know how valuable YOU are to ​this world and how much you matter to us all ❤️

woman avatar face

The course helped me in my ​career to be more attentive to ​my clients’ needs as well my ​own.

It is what I’ve been needing ​most recently to support living ​through a pandemic and all of ​the other changes that happen ​in a human’s existence.


What people say about my other ​programs

Female Avatar Profile

Alice's course makes mindfulness ​easy to understand and use. Her ​explanations and exercises help ​you learn quick and easy ​strategies you can use anywhere, ​at any time.

I highly recommend this course to ​anyone who wants to learn about ​mindfulness or wants to add to ​their mindfulness toolkit.

Male Avatar with Beard

I was engaged through out and ​love the mindfulness exercises ​taught. I like the simplicity and the ​way she brought her personality to ​the course. Definitely looking to ​continuously practice the effective ​mindfulness techniques in it. The ​extra bonuses like the audio ​version and work book were truly ​a plus. If you are having any ​doubts take the course, just do it !



female avatar illustration

I think it’s a great course and you ​were so thoughtful in every detail. I ​particularly liked that you had ​variations for each exercise- each ​with slightly different content. Seems ​like you covered every possible thing ​that people could get tripped up with.

Alice, this is really incredible, I have ​to say. I’d def recommend it.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where will the program take place?

A: This program is entirely remote so you can go through it whenever and wherever! The ​community chat will take place through Telegram, a messaging app you can use on a ​computer or smartphone. All the audio modules will be on Telegram and on the course ​platform. The live calls will take place through Google Meet and the recordings will be ​uploade​d​ to the course platform.

Q: Wi​ll I lose the information after 8 weeks?

A: While the group coaching component will be over after 8 weeks, you get lifetime access to ​the training modules. Clients often tell me they wish they could carry me around to hear​ what I have to say. Now, you can!​

Q: Wh​at if I don’t identify as a perfectionist?

A: That’s totally okay! This program is for anyone who considers themselves a high achiever,​ goal-oriented, ambitious, or has high standards for themselves, others, and their life. The poi​nt is to recognize that while life may not be perfect, and you will absolutely make mistakes, ​you can still experience joy, success, and freedom through the choices you make (and the ​new skills you will lear​n​!)

Q: Wh​at are the deadlines?

A: You can sign up to the program beginning March 25. You get $200 off the regular program ​and over $400 off the VIP option if you sign up by March 29. Sign-ups fully close on April 5 ​and th​e​ program will start on April 22.

Q: Ho​w many people will be in the group?

A: I don’t have a minimum or a maximum number of people for the group. Regardless of ​how many people join, you will receive personalized attention to your questions throughout ​the 8 weeks as I want to ensure that you thri​v​e!

Q: Wh​at are the optional calls?

A: Every week you will have an opportunity to attend a live video call. These calls are ​intended to answer your questions, implement skills, and offer personalized feedback in ​real-time. Not everybody loves live calls and not everyone can or wants to make time for ​them in their schedule. That’s why in this program they’re optional. We’ll do our best to find ​a time that works for the most number of people each week so that more people can attend.​ If no one wants to have a call, there won’t be one. If even just one person wants the c​all, we will. I thrive on responding to your questions and bouncing ideas off each other ​so it’s a great time to connect and be in each other’s energy.


I can’t wait to see how you feel and what your life looks like after 8 weeks! My ​sincerest desire is for you to feel like you can trust and honor yourself, feel ​confident in the decisions you make, know how to respond to brain junk and ​intense emotions, and connect to yourself and others in a rich, meaningful way. ​Above all else, I hope you know you’re worthy of thriving ❤️

Alice rizzi, Psyd

Together Mindful, LLC - Copyright 2023+

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